Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Endocrine and Reproductive

We're currently doing endocrine and reproductive.

This has me (slightly) depressed for two reasons:
1.  I really hate studying pictures of diseased genitalia for hours upon end.  (There's a REASON I know I will never be an OB/GYN!!)
2.  Facebook keeps informing me that a significant majority of the (non-medical) friends that I grew up with, cousins, classmates from undergrad, etc. are currently with child.  Then I have to study all the complications of "advanced maternal age" and it's frustrating to realize that's where I'm heading, because medical school is consuming all of my peak reproductive years.  Now, granted, I haven't yet found the male specimen with which I'd like to procreate.  Nor am I certain that I want to have children.  Neither of these facts really lessens the resentment I feel towards med school right now.

But really, all this may just be an excuse that I use to channel the resentment I already felt towards med school for other less tangible reasons.

I cannot wait for this post-test weekend.  I am way overdue for some relaxation!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Things That Annoy Me Online

This frustrates me incredibly.  When I am online, I am not reading a book.  I do not need to "turn pages."  I wish to use the lovely invention, "scrollbar," as this is a highly efficient way of scanning text and images at a rapid pace without having to wait on each page segment to load individually.  I realize that this is probably a devious way of increasing the ads-to-article ratio, but seriously they could just have the ads rotate (if they can do it on the electronic billboards I know they can do it on a website!!)

I'm serious.  I do boycott products that give pop-up ads, especially the pop-up-on-mouseover kind or the float-downward-with-the-page kind.  Back in undergrad, I cancelled Netflix because their popups annoyed me so much.

I also boycott products with really stupid commercials.  But that's a story for another day.